He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress and for his children it will be a refuge.
Proverbs 14:26

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 60

October 13, 2018

So I took a few pics of house decor because Abbey commented this summer that she thought we had changed things that she hadn't seen yet... And we can't have Abbey not knowing what home looks like!   Got a few new things from my Memommy's house this summer too. 

We framed some Wadi Rum pics and added one of Grandaddy's handmade candlesticks...

Maddie's lavender painting on top of the cabinets and tins we've been collecting including several of Memommy's

Added the praying hands pic in the corner- one of my childhood faves.

Naomi has gotten super good at doing our chalkboard signs!

Day 59

October 12, 2018

Maddie's 5th year to run the Dead 2 Red relay race from the Dead Sea down to the Red Sea.  Training with her school team is in full swing at a local park which means at least once a week I get in a good early morning walk...

Another relaxing Friday around the house, everybody doing their thing...

Day 58

October 11, 2018

Flashback to these 2 going to one of their first school dances 5 years ago...  

New daily situation, these 2 begging for treats after school drop off...

Day 57

October 10, 2018

There are definitely benefits to Jason going to the US in the fall!