He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress and for his children it will be a refuge.
Proverbs 14:26

Monday, December 31, 2018

Day 76

October 29, 2018

These kids are committed!  Early morning runs before school to prep for Dead 2 Red!  

Day 75

October 28, 2018

Had fun helping Maddie come up with the perfect Audrey Hepburn costume for a Halloween party!  She pulled it off pretty well I think!

Day 74

October 27, 2018

Exploring castle ruins is a fave activity around here.  Thankful for new friends who become family before you know it!

Day 73

October 26, 2018

A night out of the city is sometimes just what the doctor ordered!

Beautiful sunsets and fireside chats...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Day 72

October 25, 2018

Fall Festival!

The Arm and Hammer girls...

And dominoes...

Day 71

October 24, 2018

No rain yet, but we're going strong with the dust forecast...

Day 70

October 23, 2018

Early morning moon...

Day 69

October 22, 2018

Building another little competitor...

Day 68

October 21, 2018

Yep.  I think I sent both of these to Maddie.  

Things we both needed to hear. 😏

Day 67

October 20, 2018

These two are figuring out how to get along!

Day 66

First American football game of the season.  Yes, this is a thing in Jordan...

And we sit in chairs right on the field...

Gets interesting when there's a fight on the field and the fans can jump right in...

Day 65

October 18, 2018

Naomi has converted our back patio into her craft area and has been working super hard creating a doll house out of recyclable stuff, old blocks and really anything else she can find.  So proud of her!  That creativity does not come from me!

She made each little painting on the walls.

The beds and furniture are out of old wooden blocks...

that she painted.

She even made a little food bar with rolled up burritos

She also made all the pillows 

Day 64

October 17, 2018

And this sweetie continues to make himself more and more at home...

Day 63

October 16, 2018

This little guy keeps coming back to visit after his middle of the night party in our kitchen...

Day 62

October 15, 2018

Sunsets on the way to swimming practice...

Day 61

October 14, 2018

I have no idea how, but somehow the little girls convinced this guy to play Nertz...  Something Abbey, Maddie and I have never been able to do.  And even more amazing, he managed to win (well, the first round...)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 60

October 13, 2018

So I took a few pics of house decor because Abbey commented this summer that she thought we had changed things that she hadn't seen yet... And we can't have Abbey not knowing what home looks like!   Got a few new things from my Memommy's house this summer too. 

We framed some Wadi Rum pics and added one of Grandaddy's handmade candlesticks...

Maddie's lavender painting on top of the cabinets and tins we've been collecting including several of Memommy's

Added the praying hands pic in the corner- one of my childhood faves.

Naomi has gotten super good at doing our chalkboard signs!

Day 59

October 12, 2018

Maddie's 5th year to run the Dead 2 Red relay race from the Dead Sea down to the Red Sea.  Training with her school team is in full swing at a local park which means at least once a week I get in a good early morning walk...

Another relaxing Friday around the house, everybody doing their thing...

Day 58

October 11, 2018

Flashback to these 2 going to one of their first school dances 5 years ago...  

New daily situation, these 2 begging for treats after school drop off...

Day 57

October 10, 2018

There are definitely benefits to Jason going to the US in the fall!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Day 56

October 9, 2018

Signs of life...

Sometimes it's the little things...  You walk by a room and catch a glance of what's oh so normal right now and realize that in very little time it will no longer be a normal thing to see...

Day 55

October 8, 2018

So thankful that Jason got some time with Abbey after not seeing her for over 7 months!  Picker her up at Samford and drove her to Georgia for the weekend with family.  A trip to Birmingham's Taco Mama was a must!

Day 54

October 7, 2018

Being gone from school for a week means lots of catch up work...  And yay for cooler weather and cool nighttime breezes that mean it's time for sweaters finally!

Day 53

October 6, 2018

This guy gave us quite a scare today...

The lady who cleans for me every few weeks accidentally let him out when she was cleaning the windows.  Which resulted in my running around like a crazy person on my patio waving a piece of turkey and yelling "LEO, TURKEY!"  I was terrified he was going to bolt into our busy street and down the hill never to be seen again.  Thankfully he was scared enough of the crazy lady with the turkey that he dove right back into the window he came out of and retreated into Maddie's bedroom which has become his favorite place.  Crazy kitty can't do that!  

Day 52

October 5, 2018

Sometimes a day out of the city is just what is needed.  This time of year is absolutely gorgeous in Jordan.  We call this "going to the forest".  Forest may be a stretch but it's definitely a little patch of green in our desert city...



Food...  (that would be hot tea and s'mores on the fire)

What else can you ask for from a Sabbath afternoon?