He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress and for his children it will be a refuge.
Proverbs 14:26

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hish School Musical unplugged

I'm not completely sure if this worked or not but we'll see. I"m trying to post a video of the big girls singing. Seems like it's always Naomi's performances that make it on to the blog or on facebook so here is one of Abbey and Maddie. Singing has become a constant part of our family life together. Thankfully it is almost always either praise songs or High School musical both of which Jason and I love as well. Usually when Abbey and Maddie get started singing (with Naomi joining in randomly), there is usually choreography involved as well. This particular video was in the car, so they had to be pretty tame. I'll try to get a full out performance on here another time. They had a complete choreographed dance the other night to "Praise him, praise him all ye little children". Oh, and it doesn't help that one of the guys that goes to our house group with us has taken it upon himself to choreograph and teach the kids new moves to modern worship songs and it is hilarious (see the video on my facebook page for an example of a Naomi performance). You should see a bunch of kids dancing to passion worship songs. All I'm saying is "People need the Lord", eat your heart out...


Kendra said...

Beeyootiful! Love those hats :) By the way...how did you not die of car-sickness filming that??

paula jordan said...

You have been on my mind the last few days - even more often than usual, and you are usually on my mind very often! I will pray for God to give Madame Deanna a sweet spirit. Give evereone a big hug from me. Miss Paula

Sara Campbell said...

Are you still blogging?

paula jordan said...

What stars!!! What talent! Especially that background singer on the left! American Idol- watch out!!!! Abbey looks just like Kelli at that age - it was like looking at a twin! So precious, can't wait to see you.