He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress and for his children it will be a refuge.
Proverbs 14:26

Sunday, August 28, 2011

When life hands you lemons...

When life hands you lemons... (not getting to go to your best friends house after looking forward to it all day because traffic is HORRIBLE and taxis aren't available)

....make lemonade! (play creatively with your sisters instead of pouting all afternoon and find out you get to meet your best friends at a restaurant for dinner)

pulley system from bed to bed...

Lego houses for polly pockets and littlest pets...

notice the stair cases, sofas, bookshelves, TV's (also known as DS)


kellie j. said...

Sweet girls!

AJ said...

The C boys would love that their boy toys are being put to such good use. Bravo, girls!

AJ said...

I'm sure the C boys would love how their Legos are being put to use. Bravo, girls!

Ann said...

They definitely are CREATIVE!

Ann said...

They are definitely creative!