He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress and for his children it will be a refuge.
Proverbs 14:26

Friday, July 29, 2011

Garden Girl

Maddie with her harvest...

Since we ended up with a little more time in the states than we anticipated, we were able to make one  last trip to Georgia to visit the family farm :).  All of the girls love coming to Nana and Papa's of course, but Maddie especially LOVES coming in the summer time (even in the heat) so she can work in the garden.  She gets so excited about helping with the "harvest" (her words...).  She has always been our "outside girl".  Abbey being the self-proclaimed "inside girl" of the family could care less about getting her hands dirty in the garden (as she would say, "I really don't like to sweat").  Maddie, however loves nothing more than to get a little dirt on her hands especially if gardening is involved.

And thankfully, I love it too.  I grew up helping Granddaddy in his garden and loving every minute of it even in the heat of the day.  Even after Jason and I married and Grands's garden was no longer in his back yard but out at Shelby Farms in Memphis, I would drive over and help him pick whatever was ready on many a morning or evening.  So it's really special to me to see Maddie love this so much.  We got our fill this week of cutting okra, shelling peas and picking tomatoes and cucumbers- and all the yummy meals that result!  Maybe one day we'll actually live in a place where we can have our own garden (guess we should probably start with a yard!) but until then, we will enjoy Papa and Nana's garden any chance we get and all the other benefits of farm living (as I type the girls and their cousins are outside examining the lizard and snake that Papa's barn cat just killed...)

Abundance of okra..


and tomatoes...

The results of the labor...

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Sounds yummy - and fun! Yeah for an outdoorsman (woman...) :) She looks like Abbey to me a little in that 2nd pic w/ her hat on...